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企 业 名 称:迪斯织带有限公司

所 属 网 库:东莞服饰网库

联 系 人:岳俊女士

职 位:业务部业务员

员 工 人 数:201 - 300 人

主 营 产 品:织带 缎带 雪纱 绒带 罗纹带 金银葱带 格子带 绳子

公 司 地 址:中国 广东 东莞市 广东省东莞市寥步横杭金银岭开发区

联 系 电 话:86-0769-88981663

电 子 邮 箱:root@xsp2.com

邮 政 编 码:523413

移 动 电 话:15876....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-0769-88981668

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:个体经营 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:洗涤标、商标 织布腰带 $catName


      迪斯织带是中国台湾专业开发、设计、制造织带的捷园公司目前在中国大陆设立的办事处,在浙江宁波设立分厂.主要经营各种织带(丝带)的开发、设计与制造。现主要经营项目如下:   产品的种类:缎带、雪纱、麻制品、密丝绒织带、金葱带、银葱带、格子带、 珠串边及各类绳子等。   加工类型:各式印刷、烫金、烫银、加金银葱、切边(裁条)、针织带、车边、加铁线边、手工缝珠等。   用途:圣诞品、包装礼品、发饰、玩具礼品、花艺、礼(纸)盒包装、蜡烛包装等。   我公司客户85%来自欧美、亚洲各地。织带产品一直走在时代的尖端,开发、设计新的织带是迪斯的一贯路线,所以贵公司如有新的设计图画(稿)或需要新的材质制造的织带(丝带),请与我们联系,我们将竭诚为您服务! Di Si Zhidai is the Taiwan specialized development, the design, the manufacture weaves belt's Czechoslovakia Garden Company present the office which sets up in mainland China, sets up the branch factory in the Zhejiang Ningbo. Mainly manages each kind weaves the belt (ribbon) the development, the design and the manufacture. Presently mainly manages the project to be as follows: product type: The satin ribbon, the snow gauze, the hemp product, the dense velvet weave the belt, Jin Congdai, nearby the silver onion belt, the standard innertube, the bead string and each kind of string and so on. processing type: Various types printing, bronzed, the very hot silver, the Canadian money onion, the cutting edge (cut strip), on the one hand the knitting belt, the vehicle, to add on the other hand the iron wire, the manual seam bead and so on. use: Christmas, packing present, swirl, toy present, floriculture, ritual (paper) box packing, candle packing and so on. Our company customer 85% come from European and American, Asian each region. Weaves the belt product to walk in the time acme, the development, designs newly weaves the belt has been Di Si's consistent route, therefore your firm like has the new design drawing (manuscript) or needs the new material quality manufacture to weave the belt (ribbon), please relate with us, we will serve wholeheartedly for you!
    公司介绍 金葱带,等等 迪斯织带是中国台湾专业开发、设计、制造织带的捷园公司目前在中国大陆设立的办事处,主要经营各种织带(丝带)的开发、设计与制造。
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