企 业 名 称:大型鞋业集团
所 属 网 库:福建服饰网库
联 系 人:王天宝
员 工 人 数:未知
公 司 地 址:福建福州
联 系 电 话:
电 子 邮 箱:tedwang104@sina.com 邮 政 编 码:350003
公 司 传 真:
注 册 资 金:未知
经 营 模 式: 未知
本人王天宝 , 籍贯 : 福建泉州 ;特长:中国象棋 。乒乓球 ; 性格开朗,为人大方,具有吃苦耐劳踏实肯干的工作之精神 。特自我介绍如下:
2000-2002 就读于福建广播电视大学 英语专业
2002 至今工作于福建大型鞋业集团从事世界品牌adidas运动鞋新产品开发及量产工作。
Curiculam Vitae
Name: Ted Wang
Sex : Mail
Date and place of biryh :June, 1980 in quanzhou fujian
Marital status : Single
Education: University Graduate with Major in English
Tel: 13459485343
Emil: tedwang104@sina.com or tedwang104@hotmail.com
Octber 2002 up to date : working as a team leader of TECH Team in xx footwear co LTD Mawei -based factory ,in which handling training/running/soccer/tennis projects .
3 years of shoe-making exoeriences have offered ne opportunities to understand different job aspects.
Having activelu participated in different kinds of training ,such as LEAN ,MANAGEMENT, etc
Communicate and Cooperation
Good in communication with different levels and know how to tackle with peoples from a wide variety of backgrounds within and outside of the company
Ability to build a team and to motivate develop subordinates to reach their full potentials
Able to work under press ,wisely use power and excellent decision-making skills
Copyright?2011 HuaJian Group.华坚集团版权所有 |。
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网评:2014年12月14日 - 孺子牛鞋业集团招工信息孺子牛鞋业集团有限公司向全社会招聘如下普通岗位(常年招聘):活动推广专员岗位职责:1.负责天猫、淘宝免费和付费资源。