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企 业 名 称:佛山市南海区杰恩威鞋业有限公司

所 属 网 库:广州服饰网库

联 系 人:曾向阳先生

职 位:化工部销售

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:女鞋 拖鞋 皮鞋 童鞋

公 司 地 址:中国 广东 广州市越秀区 广州市越秀区德政北路538号达信大厦21楼(全层)

联 系 电 话:86-0757-86769897

电 子 邮 箱:service@yutengshoes.com

移 动 电 话:13927....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:86-020-62612160

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:其他有限责任公司 ;生产加工

主 营 行 业:正装鞋 休闲鞋 凉、拖鞋 靴子 童凉鞋 童拖鞋


    创办人秉承家族专业生产鞋类的传统,结合鞋业生产商联盟的优势,打造较低成本的鞋类专业销售平台。 本公司1986年创立于中国台湾,1992年迁厂于广东省佛山市的鞋类制造重镇南海,颠峰时期员工人数超过千人,年出口销售额超一千万美金,由于看好中国幅员广大的内需市场,并有感于零售市场的层层剥削,于是邀请了包括台资、港资、中资等8家鞋类专业生产商,联合创立了知足小鎮.cn销售平台,直接将优质且物有所值的商品供应市场,并代理国际知名品牌提供正价货品打击山寨,让消费群众安心购买正品及物有所值的优质商品,目前正广招地区代理增强服务质量。 为满足各阶层人群的需求,本公司规划在不久的将来从0岁~100岁、从0元~10000元、从中国制造~意大利制造的所有鞋类商品,我们将让您一站满足,从此买鞋您将只有一个选择『知足小鎮.cn』。 The owner “Jackson” was born in a family of shoes business, who create a team of specialized and combination with different professional manufactures to market. The company was established since 1986 in Taiwan. In 1992, the factory moved to Guang Dong of China where the one of famous area to production of the shoes is. The cost of exported was over 10 million U.S. dollars per year within over thousand employees. In 2006, Depend on experience of international business and good relationship with suppliers that we build a brunch company as“TOYOHARA INT’L INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD” . We are serving the oversea buyers to purchase the goods in China as we cooperation with at least 8 manufactures including the owners form Taiwan、HonKong or Locals. Low cost with good quality will be a target of company to our customers. In the near future, The Company plans to additional a specialized market to make satisfaction with different requiring from consumers, as the ages from 0~100 or the values from 0~1000 whatever Made in China and Made in Italy. The www.jvshoes.com can be only one the site you want and makes you happy to buy.
评论:佛山市南海区杰恩威鞋业有限公司 (注:标题和内容都是必须填的)
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